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Essentials & Considerations of a Grid Interactive efficient Building (GEB)

With the recent release of the #DOE #FOA, what are the essential components of a #GEB building or group of GEB buildings.

A definition from a DOE 2019 report (see link below) defines GEB as an energy efficient building with smart technologies characterized by the active use of #DERs to optimize energy use for grid services, occupant needs and preferences, and cost reductions in a continuous and integrated way. In addition, the report goes on to describe four characteristics of #GEB, efficient, connected, smart and flexible.

Taking a closer look at these definitions and characteristics. It’s clear a GEB needs to have conducted some level of efficiency measures, controllable loads, some form of #DG and or #energystorage, along with sensing, communications and software algorithms that have a some connectivity to the grid, that can manage and dispatch all the controllable elements in some timely and optimal manner.

With this in mind it brings about a few questions for deeper consideration and identification of potential gaps in the industry today. Heres a laundry list of topics I plan to delve deeper into over the next few weeks:

- Hierarchical optimization and control layers

- Aggregation of building and DER portfolios

- Offsite community solar and storage

- Level of efficiency measures (#LEED, #ASHRAE certification, #passivehouse, NZE/C)

- Grid to building interface

- Optimization potential conflicts and objective functions

- Forecasting

- #AI and #ML algorithms - Modeling and simulations

- Value stacking, monetization and cash flows

- Bulk grid to local grid coordination

- Grid reliance on buildings and DER - Communications and cyber security

David Lovelady

Founder of LovEnergy

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