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Green Building Investment Decisions

Many companies that own buildings are looking to make them sustainable and green, however determining which green technology investments i.e. #solar pv, insulation, lighting, #energystorage, #BMS etc., to make now and over time is a difficult and complex question to address and contains many variables that need to be considered. Just some of these variables include:

  • Is it a new or old building?

  • What green investments already exist in the building?

  • Where is the building located?

  • Which utility supplies the energy and what programs/incentives are offered?

  • Is there sufficient physical space?

  • Whats the capital outlay?

Essentially in order to determine an optimal building investment strategy to go green and improve the bottom line, all available #DER technologies and associated programs need to be captured and compared to one another. This will ensure the best suite of green building investments and programs are identified and help to set a roadmap for implementation.

#LovEnegy is developing online webased software tools to do just this, via complex and detailed modeling and simulations that are configured through a series of simple, educational and easy to follow steps and data inputs.

Keep watching for the release of the first suite of tools coming soon!

David Lovelady

Founder of LovEnergy

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